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Het Buitenhuis Velsen-Zuid Starting Point 48 afbeelding

Routes from this starting point

Velserdijk route
Unpaved path (partly)
Rondje Velserbroek
Oosterbnroek route
Unpaved path (partly)

This is the starting point for three hiking trails through the Spaarnwoude recreation area: a varied area of forests, polder landscapes, peat meadows, marshes and water. You will be hiking on paved and unpaved trails.

  • The Oosterbroek route (green) passes through undulating terrain. Did you know that the ground you will be walking on consists of construction and demolition debris? When the waste was literally piling up in the late 1960s, it was decided to construct three mounds some 25 to 30 metres high. The debris was covered with a layer of clay to keep rainwater out. The area now serves a lovely hiking area. You will enjoy phenomenal views of the North Sea Canal, with large ships sailing to and fro.
  • The Velserdijk route (red) takes you past Boerenerf Spaarnwoude (traditionally known as Zorgvrij) and Villa Zomerdijk, both with outdoor seating. At Villa Zomerdijk, you will cross Zijkanaal B, a North Sea Canal tributary that has been separated from the North Sea Canal by a dam since the 1960s. The tributary now serves as a canoe track.
  • The Rondje Velserbroek trail (purple) crosses Zijkanaal B and the A9 and will take you almost entirely around the Westbroekplas. You will return to The Buitenhuis via Velserbroek's green areas. With Boerenerf Spaarnwoude (Boerderij Zorgvrij, nursery Het Groene Leven and restaurant Onder de Platanen) this is an attractive route for children!